A brand-new, uplifting space to run
your movement business.
a rental facility for movement instructors
a rental facility for movement instructors |
“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”
- Jim Rohn
The Schoolhouse Way
Instructor Pro’s
✔️ Owns client base
✔️ Develop brand with access to professional workshops
✔️ Promotional support
Client Pro’s
✔️ Direct access to instructor
✔️ Intimate class settings which means more personal attention
✔️ YOU get to directly support your instructor
How it Works

Complete our onboarding form below and get any remaining questions answered!
Decide on your desired series dates/ times, sign the Rental Agreement and put down your deposit.
Begin promoting your series on your channels, and share whatever info you have for us to promote on our channels as well!
A's to your Q's
Look. 100% transparency here. I'm fortunate to have had a long career in this industry. This model allows me to lighten the number of classes I physically teach, while giving our community a space to host and participate in learning and growth opportunities, and that covers operational expenses.
Simple. Two ways.
We have two studio spaces being booked out by the hour, so there is plenty of opportunity for our small, committed team of instructors to teach when they want.
First come first serve! Want to book a year's worth of your favourite time slot? Book it Dano!
One of our values, and one of the most important reasons behind The Schoolhouse Collingwood opening its doors, is to empower the amazing instructors working in our community. I know first hand that the more in control I am of my business, the easier (and more prosperous) my life becomes! We're excited to host business-building workshops and guest speakers to teach us all how to build and grow our individual businesses within the backdrop of The Schoolhouse.
(For starters, contact THE pop-in-business partner Jessica Flynn (jessica@theflynncollaboration.com) who helped bring this project to life!)